Reassigning Content to Students
Teachers now have the option to reassign activities for a different date or to give students another opportunity to complete the assignment. Re-assigning can be done from within the interactive books and from within the Gradebook. From within the interactive books From within the Student Detail Report When an assessment is reassigned the previous score [&hel
Improvements to the Gradebook Exporting Process
Previously, assignment exports were limited only to the data visible per page in the Gradebook. Now, teachers can export up to 50 student grade records per class at the same time. Please note: If a class has more than 50 students, records will need to be downloaded page by page.
Create an Assignment from within Interactive Materials
In addition to the current assignment creation process, teachers can now also create assignments directly from within the interactive versions of the textbook and/or workbook. How to use this feature: STEP 1 Within the interactive textbook or workbook, navigate to the activity you want to assign. Then, select “Create New Assignment.” STEP 2 After
Gradebook Improvements
We have added new features and modified existing features to the Gradebook for an enhanced user experience. Gradebook Assignment Preview Change to “Not attempted” / “Not assigned” when CSV or Excel files are exported Gradebook Assignment Preview This feature allows the teacher to preview the assessment that was given to the student
Simplified Navigation and Structure
We have modified the user interface in various places to make it simpler and easier to use. Modifications include: Upon log in, users will be taken directly to the “My Books” screen for easier access. Groups have been moved to the “My Roster” section in the submenu. Archived users have been moved to the “My […]
Deep Link Feature
LTI 1.3 Deep Linking allows teachers to easily integrate educational materials from The KWL Hub into their LMS courses (learning management system). This means that they can select and add the content they need directly without having to leave the LMS, making everything accessible in one place and easier to use for both teachers and […]
Assignment Categories
Categories are a new feature introduced in Assignments to help teachers organize and filter their assignments. How to use this feature: STEP 1 To create a category and assign it to an assignment, the first step is to click on the + button in the Assignment Category section located at the top right of the […]
Our chatbot is a virtual assistant programmed to answer questions using Artificial Intelligence. It will be teachers’ definite ally when using the KWL Hub. The chatbot will answer all kinds of questions related to new features and everyday use of the platform, such as creating and grading assignments and modifying grades. To find instant solutions, [
Activity settings
You can implement the new settings when creating an assignment by following the next steps: How to use this feature: STEP 1 Click on the gear button on the upper right-hand corner when creating or modifying an assignment. STEP 2 In the “Assignment settings” menu, you can activate the option “Allow Activity Skip” option, which […]
Our Masterclass feature allows academic coordinators to share the assignment planning with teachers in an easy and intuitive way, saving time when sharing and maintaining the designed academic curriculum. How to use this feature: STEP 1 To get started, you need to make sure that you have created the assignments you wish to share with […]